Saturday, August 27, 2011

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up? We have all been asked this question a million times, and when you are under the age of 15 it is a very sincere question deserving of an even more sincere answer. Nobody doubts (or rather believes) that you will actually become what you say you would like to...and life goes on. Somewhere between being a teenager and an adult...we actually grow up, and what was once our dream job becomes just that...a dream.

Today I text all of my close friends and asked them this question "If you could do anything in the world and get paid to do it, what would you do?" Immediately they all responded with their respective dream jobs..and immediately I was disappointed. I realized that 95% of them were not even on the path to catch the dream they had created and it stung my soul. All of my friends are in college pursuing a degree they will probably never use, or have already obtained that useless piece of paper that cost too damn much (a degree).

Today I realized a few very important things that I had not before:

  1. People would rather settle for a "safe" mediocre life than to embark on an uncertain journey to find happiness.
  2. Doubt rather than passion controls most people's lives
  3. I have my dream job. And it isn't because I am special, or lucky, or even more talented than anyone's all because I believed in myself enough to go after something I love.
Most people spend more time at their job than they do anywhere else. Most people also hate their jobs. I refuse to be that person that's 30 with a decent paying job that I hate..and the sad part about this is that most people reading this post will be that person.

This is my challenge to you: FUCK YOUR SAFETY NET. Make a plan, and go chase your dreams. You don't want to be the person with the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" stories. You do not want to be the person missing out on your blessing because you were to scared to actually go out and get it. If you fucking least you had enough balls to actually try. There are only 4 things that separate the people who make it from the people who don't. They are: Passion, Talent, Extremely hard work, and a dash of luck. So now that you know this...there is no excuse why you shouldn't be out there chasing (and catching) your dreams.

The Adventure Begins here...

Thanks for stopping by and Welcome to 20 and Some Change. This blog is going to be an online journal and journey into my mind. It won't be about fashion or styling (I have another blog for that).. but more so about chasing dreams and finding who you are as a person. It will be about trying new things, thinking (& living) free..and about the pursuit of happiness and its meaning. Sooo.. with that said: let the adventure begin.